Friday, October 28, 2005

Small World

We all live in a small world of our own.
Even the world travellers among us don't truly see the scope of the world, or our effect upon it. We look outside, see the sun shining, the grass on the ground, and feel that the world is rolling along just fine. We cannot see what effect, good or bad, we are having.
You read the news and you don't comprehend what you read. You don't know the thousands who died in a disaster, so it doesn't strike you. You don't see the defaced landmark, or the burned forest, so it has no emotional effect.
The greatest mental quality that humans have is Judgement - the ability to determine true importance and true proportion despite the level of any emotional impact or personal interest, if any. A judge that passes a fair sentence, even if he personally thinks the guy should be burned at the stake, shows judgement.
More than ever today, we need to cultivate and value good judgement. We need to see the world as it is, not as we would have it, and act appropriately.

One of the myths of our age is that the Great Wall of China can be seen from space. Well, yes, if you use a telephoto lens and a spy satellite.


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