Thursday, November 17, 2005

Multiculturalism. And comics.

I'm about to start adding a comic strip to this title - if I can get Blogger to accept the downloads.
Bear with me for a while.

Multiculturalism is an oxymoron.
It is the belief that we should take all our cultures - our beliefs, our customs - and merge them into a single system. That single system, however, would be a single culture.
Some of us have different customs, and not all of them are equal. While respecting the rights of a person to live any lifestyle he or she chooses is correct, that right ends at the person's nose. Forcing another to live by your lifestyle, or inflicting pain/damage upon another because of your lifestyle's values - is wrong.

Unfortunately, many people see multiculturalism as relativism - or worse, as just allowing foreign restaurants to open up on main street. It isn't. Multiculturalism is "I live my way, you live yours, and we keep the fence up."
As for me, I like Italian cooking, Japanese art, Navaho jewelry - and freedom of expression.
What do you like?

Every Culture has a trickster figure. Anansi (africa), The Monkey King(china), Coyote(plains indians), Raven(west coast indians), Kokopelli, Maui(polynesia), Hermes(greece), Loki(norse).
Ours is Spider-Man.


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