Saturday, November 19, 2005

God help us all.

Next time you meet a proponent of Intelligent Design, ask him to prove Allah is not the designer. Non-religious, huh?

The Intelligent Design eople really need to rethink their "faith".
Science is about proof. It is a mental exercise where we look at the evidence of our senses and try to categorize what we perceive.
God is not about proof. Far from it. He could provide us with all the proof that we could ever want - birthmarks in the shape of "God Lives"; a visible heaven, or angels walking visibly beside us. He doesn't.
He wants us to act ethicly and morally WITHOUT proof of rewards.
And, for that matter, without proof of punishment.

Fundamentalists - and these people are fundamentalists - believe that God is going to punish any and all non-fundamentalists. They are absolutely convinced that an omnibenevolent God, whose mercy is neverending, whose forgiveness is infinite and eternal, is still going to throw souls into a firey furness unless they believe a narrow doctrine - one that does not match the teachings of either the Old Testament God or the New Testament Christ, but which does incorporate pagan, Eurocentric, and Reformation ideas. Moreover, they also believe in the damnation of those who believe what they believe, but HAVE NOT JOINED THEIR FELLOWSHIP. In other words, being one of them is not just about your religion.
The Intelligent Design movement is, in part, their attempt to save everybody. They cannot and will not believe that anyone can be saved unless they become a fundamentalist - and you can't do that by learning about the scientific method.
They are trying to save us all.
God help them.
God help us.

When Alexander the Great passed through Turkey to fight the Persians, he stopped at the site of Troy. On the Plains of Illium, Alexander stripped naked in front of his men and ran around a mound called the "Kesik Tepe", where Achilles and his friend Patroclus are supposed to be buried. This was to pay his respects. Other generals have also done this.

I highly recommend this book:

I also recommend this website:


At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God created the universe. It works in a specific way. God created the soul. It was created for a specific purpose. To glorify God. God is a God of the specific. The ability to miss God's existence is a choice he gave to everyone, including you. You can choose to look at life as the sum of what you can see (science) if you want. That's your right. But many people accept to follow their souls and their souls tell them that God exists. Which God you ask? The only God who has promised to reclaim your bitter soul. The God who sent Jesus Christ. This is as much fact as the sun rising in the east. True science admits its limitations in matters beyond its scope. Science does not disprove God. People use the excuse of science to avoid the God that created them for a specific purpose. If you believe in truth and fear nothing, you will leave this post up. There is no agenda here but the truth. You were created by a God who has a claim on your life and who will reclaim your fallen nature if you so choose. If not, well, that's your choice. God did not create Hell for people. You have to volunteer to go there. You don't go to where God is if you don't believe He is real. He wouldn't do that to you. You decide you don't want God and you go where there is no God when you die. Puts a lot more responsibility on you, doesn't it? You are no longer the victim of a cosmic crime. You are culpable for ignoring the truth of God the entire time you're here on Earth. Think about it. For more, read your Bible. Talk to someone whose soul has been reclaimed by God. Science is science. God is God. You don't have to choose science over God, or God over science, but you do have to choose God here if you want God for eternity.


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