Sunday, October 30, 2005

Role Model

Trivia note: The oldest registered dot-com address is SYMBOLICS.COM, registered on 15 March, 1985.

Who's your role model?

Is it a rock diva, a person whose only claim to fame is that they can follow a tune and dance at the same time (although Jennifer Simpson even broke THAT necessity)? Do you look to them for opinions on everything from dating to wardrobe, even though they have their clothes chosen for them, and their relationships crash and burn more often than not?

Is your role model a politician, whose motto is "Stay in power, whatever the cost."? Do you form your opinions about the world based on what they say, even though their words are written for them by professional spin doctors bent on selling you ideologies?

Is your role model an actor, a professional player of make-believe, whose job it is to look and talk like whatever their boss needs them to look and talk like, right at that moment? Do you accept their word as gospel, even though they may not understand themselves what they are saying, having been paid to say those very things, and may very well say the exact opposite next week, depending on who is paying them now?

Is your role model an athlete, an individual whose job it is to play a game? A man expected to win at any cost to his body, mind, pride, or family? Do you strive to imitate a man whose career will end within 10 years due to burnout, leaving him another 40 to sell autographs and aftershave?

Who do you want to be when you grow up?


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